Lord Robert Baden-Powell said, “Every both deserves a trained leader, and every leader deserves to be trained.” A cornerstone of the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts programs is training. There are many opportunities available to adults and youth at various levels to further develop their abilities. Some of these trainings will be conducted in your unit; others are available for you to work on by yourself or online.
Youth Protection Training is the keystone of adult training, followed by position-specific training for each position. Most position-specific training, as well as Youth Protection Training, is now available online at https://my.scouting.org/ (if you don’t have a login, you can create one).
A quick reference for new leaders exists to determine what they need in order to be considered trained and wear the Trained patch.
Advanced Training, such as Wood Badge, a leadership experience like none other; Leave No Trace; and various water, range and climbing/rappelling safety certifications are also available. Check the Council training calendar link below to find more information about these offerings and their availability.
The Philmont Training Center (PTC) at Philmont Scout Ranch offers a wide range of family adventure camps, conferences and leadership training, back-country hiking and camping throughout the year, in addition to position-specific training for Commissioners and District leaders.
There are awards for training, too! Click for more information on adult training.
Learning is a continuous endeavor, and Youth leadership training does not end at Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader!
A quick reference to the many different training opportunities available to youth is here.
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations. Occoneechee Council typically offers NYLT annually during the summer — check the Council training calendar below.
At Philmont Scout Ranch (Arizona) and the Summit Bechtel Reserve (West Virginia), the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is offered multiple times each summer.